The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

LoanOS 1.0 - Mercury

December 17, 2019 |

Initial release of LoanOS administered transaction outputs over a public UTXO distributed ledger network with immutable data interface between 1-1 institutional transactions.

LoanOS 1.1 - Venus | May 14, 2020

LoanOS 1.2 - Earth | November 21, 2020

LoanOS 2.0 - DynamicMars

March 20, 2021 |

The second generation of LoanOS utilized DAG-based cryptographic schemes to create private communications among groups of accounts, enabling 1-n secure channels for transactions.

LoanOS 3.0 - CosmicJuniper

December 8, 2021 |

With the third release of LoanOS, the system gained powerful compliance and access controls with the ability to sync with historical transaction data in the Cloud.

LoanOS 4.0 - ObsidianTurn

December 17, 2022 |

With the fourth release of LoanOS, the system takes a Quantum Leap into the Future.

Be Liquid.


Be Liquid. 〰️